Every Spin-N-Serve can be used as a side or end table!


Start by placing the base on the table legs.

(Works with both the 18 and 24" size Spin-N-Serve)


If you want to use the expansion ring, extend the wings!

(Not necessary if you're using a 24" Spin-N-Serve)


This is the 18" all by itself.


This is an 18" with an expansion ring....

(Watch as I flip each piece!)


The same

Spin-N-Serve - with the ring flipped!

(We're not done yet!)


I have now flipped the Spin-N-serve

(One more combination!)


Now I have flipped the ring. Four entirely different looks! And you can put it back on your table for serving food anytime. How cool is that!

(One more picture - showing the 24" size in action.)


This is a 24"

Spin-N-Serve - it can be flipped too!

(Flipped side not shown - I think you get the idea...)